Embroidery Commissions

I am now taking embroidery commissions, and am offering 3 styles: patches, small hoops, and large hoops, which are explained below.

Please take some time to carefully read all the information on this page before filling out the form. You can find previous examples of my commissions and general embroidery work below, and on the gallery page.

  • I have added a rough time estimate alongside each commission type; however, I cannot be certain how long a piece will take.

    Hand embroidery is a very slow process and I work full time alongside running my business, so please take this into consideration.

    Additionally, before I start embroidering I also have to draw out the design, pick colours etc.

    If a piece is taking longer than initially quoted, I will inform you directly.

  • An approximate price is provided based on the size of the piece and the work involved. The more detailed a design, the more it will cost.

    If, for example, you decide you want changes or additions to the piece, I reserve the right to amend the price accordingly.

    Shipping will be included in the price.

    This will all be communicated and agreed upon directly.

  • Please note I will only take on a certain number of commissions at one time. I reserve the right to decline a commission if I do not agree with the subject matter, if the work involved is not to my style, or is a copy of another artist.

    If you would like to commission something different from the 3 styles listed please don’t hesitate to contact me or fill out the form still!

  • Please fill in the form at the bottom of this page if you are interested in commissioning me and provide as much detail as possible.

    Once I receive the form and decide to take on your commission, I will contact you to talk through what you’d like, pricing, and a time estimate.

    I then require a deposit to be paid, £5 for patches, £10 for hoops. This will be invoiced through to the email provided.

    I will then begin work on the piece and contact you periodically to make sure you’re happy with how the piece is coming along.

    Once completed, I will invoice the amount agreed upon. Once this is paid I will ship the piece, and provide tracking details.

Iron-On Patch

Small design, 7-10 cm

Roughly 1-2 Weeks

Approximately £15

Small Hoop

Embroidered design in hoop up to 6 inches, including keyring hoops.

Roughly 2-4 weeks depending on design

Approximately £20-50

Large Hoop

Embroidered design in a hoop between 7-10 inches.

Roughly 4-12 weeks depending on design

Approximately £60-100

If you’re still interested in commissioning me then please fill out as much info as possible and I’ll be in touch shortly!